A De Tomaso Car Club
- We are a California non-profit corporation.
- We were founded in 1973 to unite north American Pantera owners, and distribute member contributed information via a newsletter.
- We were incorporated in 1975 with the declared objective to promote the sport and pastime of owning and driving De Tomaso automobiles.
- We exist today to carry-on that mission, to fulfill and honor the legacy of our founders; putting De Tomaso owners in-touch with each other. Thus allowing them to share the information needed to maintain, repair, refurbish, emend, augment, and above all else, to enjoy their cars.
President - CEO: George Pence
VP/Treasurer - CFO: Debra Pence
Secretary: Justin Pence

George Pence:
- Forum Administrator
- Veteran Cosmic Auto Pundit
Debbie Pence:
- Webmaster
- Storekeeper
- Sponsor Accts Manager
